Dear friends,
I hope our blessedly brief episode of snow-and-ice in this area has not been too hard on any of you. (Thinking sympathetically of the poor souls involved in those huge, multi-vehicle accidents on the freeways--and numerous side streets-- Thursday evening!)
Next Saturday, a cheering event: The return of the St. Clare's Spaghetti Dinner--a benefit for our St. Clare Youth Ministry. See bulletin for more information and what to do about tickets.
Also in the bulletin--a note from Deacon Bill on Jubilee Year 2025. And if you would like to add to your marking of the Jubilee Year a pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi, see bulletin for how to connect with that adventure.
Our Pastoral Associate, Kim Zea, notes the opportunity to help with parish activities: Welcome committee, Small Group Leaders, and Children's Liturgy of the Word all need more members and helpers.
A Bible Study in Spanish will be starting February 26-- in the parish hall Wednesday evenings 7-9 p.m. The meetings will be led by Mr. Silvino Pacheco-Sanchez, a St. Clare parishioner and Apostle of the Word Lay Minister.
It's only two weeks until Ash Wednesday--March 5. During Lent we will be having Friday night soup suppers followed by Stations of the Cross.
The big St. Clare Auction, important fundraiser for St. Clare's School, will be held on Saturday March 15. More information in the bulletin.
Campout is coming July 16-20 at Champoeg Park south of Wilsonville. A lovely--and convenient--location.
St. Vincent de Paul needs: hot and cold cereals, pancake mix, tuna helper, canned mixed fruit, and vegetarian soup.
Prayer from St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, who began life as Edith Stein: O my God, fill my soul with holy joy, courage, and strength to serve you. Enkindle your love in me and then walk with me along the next stretch of road before me. I do not see very far ahead, but when I have arrived where the horizon now closes down, a new prospect will open before me, and I shall meet it with peace. Amen
God bless you and your dear ones throughout the week ahead.
Sheila Cullen
One happy customer